About Us

Hi! We are Joel and April Hackner. We are a husband and wife duo with a love for farming. Joel has beef farmed all is life, while April rode horses competitively. In 2020 we decided to start selling beef farm to table from our own herd, and never looked back! We love being able to help feed our family, friends, and community with quality beef.



We sell directly to customers. Our love is for the animals and we are committed to feeding our family and community with ethically raised beef.  We promise to produce the best animals we can and are committed to our animals that we will give them the best life they can have.

Our Cattle



Our beef is 100% hormone and additive-free.  All our beef is raised on our farm. Our finishers are grass-raised and corn/grain-finished. Each animal has a unique tag number from birth so we can keep a complete history of them. We choose the best in our herd to go to our local butcher for processing. It is then aged for 10-14 days and the cuts are wrapped in butcher paper and flash-frozen to keep the freshness.

Our Beef